- Medical history
- Energy & wellbeing
- Food & drink
- Work & school
- Holidays & travel
- Sports & leisure
- Self-direction
- Child desire and heredity
- Pets
- Relationship with family and relatives
- Relationship with doctors and nurses
- Sleep
- Intimicy
- Medication & side effects
- Considerations about a kidney transplant
- Fears and worries
- Considerations about home dialysis
- Quality of life in the longer term
Wil (70)
Postmortem-donor kidney
Pregnancy and transplantation Childbirth after transplantation Child's health Desire for children and heredity Gestational diabetes Medication and pregnancy Postmortem-kidney donor
First kidney failure 1969 Cause Vesicoureteral reflux Other condition(s) Skin rash due to medication use First treatment 1969 Treatment(s) Hemodialysis 1969 - 1971 Postmortem-donor kidney 1971 - 2012 Peritoneal dialysis 2012 Hemodialysis - daytime dialysis centre 2012 - present day -
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